In the United States and around the world, it seems we are deluged with a variety of natural disasters--floods, hurricanes, droughts, fires--to name a few. These disasters affect millions of people reeling from the loss of homes, possessions, livelihoods and the lives of family members and friends. So many of us ask "What can I do to help?"
DONATE:This is a time when large relief organizations need your monetary donations more than anything else. Small donations from millions of people will make all the difference. For your convenience, we are providing the links to two reputable, faith-based organizations with long histories of providing excellent disaster relief.
FEED MY STARVING CHILDRENThank you to everyone who went out to the Mesa packing center on Sept 14th. Together, we packed enough food to feed 117 kids for a year!
Click here to go to the Missions page and see photos from the 14th. |